Monday, June 28, 2010

Just do it!

1 Corinthians 10:31b: "do it all for the glory of God."

A couple of years ago, I started working on two series of lessons to use in Sunday School. When I was no longer teaching, I stopped working on it.

We visited the Danville Vineyard on Sunday--it was totally refreshing. The lesson was on the Prodigal Father. We most often think about the prodigal son--the one who squandered his inheritance. But if you look at the definition of prodigal, it fits the father even better--"Giving or given in abundance; lavish or profuse; extravagant."

The other point that struck me was that the audience was the pharisees--they would have identified with the older brother, who stood outside the party, mad at the celebration. He had worked so hard, and yet, got nothing. But the father reassured him, that all he had was his.

I'm not sure why this was comforting, or why it inspired me. But I'm working on the lesson set, and can't wait to work on it with my kids.

God, these lessons are for you. Help me teach my children well...and whoever else you intend these lessons for.

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