Sunday, January 3, 2010

Got milk?

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Peter 2:2-3

Even though Hope is 13 months, she's still nursing. She is too cute to quit, though we're mostly down to morning and evening (and when she's really tired and/or overwhelmed).

When she wants to nurse, she signs "Please", then throws down her beloved blankie and flings the pacifier across the room. I can feel her physically relax as she starts getting milk. I don't let her nurse all the way to sleep, but she is definitely melting. In the mornings, she'll only go a couple minutes, then sign "all done" and wants to get down and run around.

The milk has "done a body good"--she's growing and doing all kinds of fun things. She really likes dogs (well, at least pictures of dogs), taking things out of banned cabinets, and putting things in containers (maybe we have a fighting chance on keeping the girl's room clean after all).

Do I crave spiritual milk the way Hope likes to nurse? Do I drop my comfort items to spend time in the Bible, or am I trying to nurse with an artificial nipple in my mouth? Do I relax and just let God hold, comfort and nourish me?

I think I have a few things to learn from Hope.

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